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Robotics projects

Robotics Projects for engineering Students
To be honest with you, in all the ideas I shared with you, this is my favorite section. Here, we will discuss Robotics projects which will give you an insight into these beautiful machines and helps you learn artificial intelligence and machine learning. We all want to make our life easier and safe and Robotics engineering students play a vital role in making that happen. In this post, I will try to discuss best topics I have discovered while studying about this branch. Moreover, some of the ideas discussed here win in student's college competitions. These include robots who help in fire fighting to the one which is useful in construction. I don't know whether you will select something from this article or not but it will definitely help you in your selection of topic.

Generate electricity from Dance Floor

We all know that dance is a great form of exercise. While dancing we lose a lot of energy and the project we are discussing today will help us to conserve this energy in the form of electricity.


To convert human energy into electricity and conserve it into the battery.


To implement this project we need to use Piezoelectric materials, which have a special quality of producing electricity when stress is applied to them. This effect was first studied by Carl Linnaeus and Franz Aepinus in the mid 18th century and generally occurs in crystalline materials such as quartz, topaz, etc. These materials consist of asymmetric unit cells and when pressure is applied on them they get more aligned and regular which produces a potential difference between them.

To understand it, we need to know about Hooke's law and electric displacement. Hooke's law states that that stress is directly proportional to strain. When we combined these two concepts we get an equation of Piezoelectricity.

How it works?

When we dance on the bouncing floor (spring and series of power-generating blocks) small electric current produced which is fed into nearby batteries. These batteries constantly recharged and used to power parts of the nightclub.

Useful Links:

Dance floor electricity at London First eco disco

Alternative energy using Dance floors

Related PDF File :

Converting Exercise into Electrical Energy

Solar powered refrigerator

Solar powered refrigerator
What is Solar Powered Refrigerators?
They are absorption refrigerators. An absorption refrigerator is a refrigerator that uses a heat source (e.g., solar, kerosene-fueled flame) to provide the energy needed to drive the cooling system. Absorption refrigerators are a popular alternative to regular compressor refrigerators where electricity is unreliable, costly, or unavailable, where noise from the compressor is problematic, or where surplus heat is available (e.g., from turbine exhausts or industrial processes).

Solar chimney

Solar chimney
What is Hybrid Chimney or Solar Chimney?
The solar chimney is the natural way of keeping any building cool. It is a device build for natural ventilation. It consists of the black colored chimney, inlet, and outlet air aperture.

Electricity generation from speed breaker

Electricity generation from speed breaker
Whenever we heard of speed breakers, a negative image of them comes into our minds.They slow our cars, sometimes destroy their parts and also affect our car mileage.

Moving Bridge

Moving Bridge

Movable Bridge is a bridge that moves upwards to allow smooth passage of ships and boats. Though physics of bridge itself a complex matter, but the movable bride is not a new concept. It has been around for centuries. Still learning about the science of bridges is a great learning experience. The bride uses all three Newton laws and you should know about some basics before we discuss any further.

In this post, we will discuss if we can use renewable energy sources in the movable bridge which requires a great amount of energy. At first, it looks like a gigantic task, but it is possible with some innovation and by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, pollution emissions, waste, and the use of non-renewable resources to sustainable levels. There are three major sources of energy which we can use at the site of a bridge:
1. A wave of Hydro Energy
2. Wind Energy
3. Solar Energy &
4. Bio Gas

After thinking for a which I came to the conclusion that biogas would be the most viable option for achieving our goal and we can take some help from other sources too.Though I am not sure whether the above solution works in real life or not but I am sure it deserves some experimentation in laboratories and can be used as your science fair or mechanical engineering demonstration project.

Useful Link:
History of Movable bridge Britannica

Concepts of Draw Bridges

The geometry of Bridge construction

Robotic arm with gripper

Robotic arm with gripper
Robotic devices are used in all aspects of our world. We have seen robotic arms inside many factories working flawlessly but do you know, building a robotic arm is a challenging task. To make it works, it should perform several actions in particular order :