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Java Projects

Java Projects

Java Projects from Providence education

Java Phaser Project

Utah University Projects on Java

Java Project Ideas :

Automatic Car Parking System

Electronic voting System

Web-based Photo Album Viewer.

An XML interface to the Java Object Library Toolkit (JOLT) Spreadsheet

Day Planner

Video Rental System (Java / Tomcat open source application)

Online Web Conferencing

Library Management System  

Home banking system

Hospital Information System

Personal Finance Management System

Java Sudoku: is a Java version of the game Sudoku. A backtracking algorithm cares for random puzzles and based on the Sudoku-Puzzle JavaScript.

Discussion forums 

Jmol: Jmol is a Java molecular viewer for three-dimensional chemical structures

Scientific Calculator: A desktop calculator/scientific calculator. Use as desktop/graphical calculator, web applet, or to show calculator operations: arithmetic, trigonometry, logarithms, complex numbers, memory, statistics.

Java Online Job Portal :
    Final Year Java Projects Ideas

    A simple web crawler
    Address book 
    Hangman that helps you with the SAT
    Flashcard game that allows you to easily create flashcards
    Java Desktop Projects
    Maze generator and maze solver
    Artificial art and Images
    Quiz Cards
    Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP)
    Guitar Tablature editor and player
    Semantic Web Search Engine
    Build your own search engine using Lucene library
    Voice Spam Protection
    MRS chat server
    Java Web Chat 
    Sudoku on the go
    The text editor in Java

    Project Ideas about Java Games

    Asteroids shooting game
    Arianne RPG
    Tank shooting game

    Simple but useful Projects :

    Online Phone book
    Java Linux accounting
    A Word Processor
    An image editor
    A CD writing interface like Nero
    A program to emulate telnet or remote login
    Proxy Server
    Chat Server


    Computer Science Project Ideas
    Final Year Computer Projects
    C++ Project Ideas
    Java Projects
    Vb Project
    Php Project
    Python Projects


    Anonymous said...

    how to get the source code of the java projects which are saved in jar format?

    CG said...

    You can create or extract JAR files using the jar command that comes with a JDK. You can also use zip tools to do so,however, the order of entries in the zip file headers is important when compressing, as the manifest often needs to be first.

    AK said...

    How do create simple java project by using java basics??
    Give some idea sir.......