Award-Winning Project Ideas
The Potential for Vegetable-Oil-Based Fuels as a Substitute for Diesel
What is vegetable oil fuel?
The oil produced from Vegetable can also be used as a fuel with some modifications in the engine, to power diesel engines we use for our cars. Also, the mixture of this fuel with diesel has got very popular recently and called Bio Fuel.
Helpful links :
National Biodiesel Board
Northeast Sustainable Energy Association
Grease car Vegetable Fuel Systems
Utilization of Photobioreactor to Optimize the Growth Rate of Lipids in Microalgae for Use in Biofuels
What is photobioreactor?
Mass Scale Solar Production of Micro Algae
Related PDF :
Microalgal Photobioreactors: Scale-up and optimization
Microalgae cultivation
Fire Ants: Height to Nutrition
Determine the maximum height at which fire ants would come to get food. Set out different types of food and then measured the height that the fire ants came to get that food.
Imported Fire Ant Control Using Household Products
You can use several types of household products to determine which ones controlled fire ants the best. You can use products such as Epsom salt, PeptoBismol®, and oranges. You need to make a transect to determine the initial numbers of fire ants in a mound, then present the household product to the mound. Finally, count the remaining fire ants after exposure to the household product.
Maximizing the Power Output of a Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Module Through the Use of Solar Concentrators
Making the Most Efficient Solar Hot Water Panel
Analysis of Noncrystalline Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Using New Low-Cost Robotic D-SCOPE
Bioremediation of Greenhouse Gases with Algae.
Glass Harmonica by Ben Franklin

The science behind it has to do with frequency and vibrations. You could make your own glass harmonica of sorts by pouring water into a set of glasses. Align them to make a row. Fill each of them with different amounts of water (fill each with a little more water ). And then use a spoon and tap each of them in order. They should make a Do Rei Mi sound.
Related links about this project:
What wiki says about Glass Harmonica
History of Armonica
Click to know more about this project
University of California, San Diego Projects
12th Grade
Investigating Dinoflagellate Dormancy
Does Smell Affect Food Preferences for Mice?
Vitamin C: Future Steroids for Athletes
Of Mice and Memory. Does Ginkgo Biloba Improve Memory?
11th Grade
Bacterial Resistance to Antibacterial Soaps
Adenylate Kinase Loss of Activity by Dilution
10th Grade
Stress Comparison: Which is Higher? Adults vs. Adolescents
What's Best For Baby? Frozen vs. Refrigerated Breast Milk
Spectrum Fishing
8th Grade
Hydro Growing: Which Nutrient is the Best for Plant Growth?
Thigmotropism: To Touch or Not to Touch?
8th grade Science fair Project Ideas
How to make or build an electroscope?
Download pdf's
Electroscope Video
7th Grade
Will Salinity Affect the Growth of Toxic Algae?
More Ideas :
Neuroscience for kids - science fair
1 comment :
I am about to start with my class of 9 and 10 year olds on their science fair projects. I'd like them to be able to chat/blog online with other students involved with sceince fair projects. Is anyone keen?
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