If you have seen magnets in your life then you need no introduction regarding the power or force they have in themselves when they come in contact with either another magnet or iron. In this article, we will see how scientists had used this force in trains.
Since we developed steam engines we tried to improve the speed and efficiency of our trains. In search of speed, we found that the biggest hurdle one can have while achieving great speeds is friction. Friction not only puts a limitation on speed but also increases maintenance cost if run trains at too high as speed. Maglev is a way where we can float the object in the air reduce the friction to the bare minimum because of the force of the magnetic field. In this project, we will discuss how we can use this force to not only hung our train in the air but to move it forward with the same force.
As I was doing research about this project, I have found couple of science fair projects on youtube and on other platforms, exactly as shown below where students are showing that how we can lift the object or train using magnetic levitation but to move them forward some students are using their own force or others are using windmill or electrical source. These projects are for school kids, who can build these projects easily with the material available online and this will enhance their knowledge too.
The main advantage with maglev train is its levitation due to which it stays away from its track with the help of magnets and reduce friction significantly when it moves forward. In this post, we will discuss this train in detail.
While looking for more information online, I have found one interesting video which not only demonstrates maglev train running but cover each and every important point to build one for your self. The best thing I found about the shown video is how much effort has been done here to make the train surrounding beautiful.
What is magnetic levitation?
It is a method by which an object is suspended with no support other than magnetic fields. We have already seen in the maglev train project that how we can use it for our benefit. This technology is very important because it eliminates losses occurred by friction. Other than trains, it can be used for magnetic bearings and high-precision platforms. It has three important parts first is levitation or suspension, second is propulsion, and the third one is guidance.
How to build one?
Build your own simple magnetic train!
This is done with the help of permanent magnets arranged in a way that cancels the magnetic field of the other side. These arrangements are called Halbach arrays. The train consists of at least two sets of Halbach arrays. One is used to levitate train and the other is used for propulsion.
If a small magnet is brought near a superconductor, it will be repelled because induced supercurrents will produce mirror images of each pole. If a small permanent magnet is placed above a superconductor, it can be levitated by this repulsive force.

Related to Maglev Project:-
Wikipedia Maglev Details
Introduction of Levitation
Magnetic Levitation Design Project
Low-cost Magnetic Levitation Projects: Using inexpensive experiments to teach analysis and design in undergraduate feedback courses
Levitation with superconductors
Modeling and Control of a Magnetic Levitation System(Click here)
Magnetic levitation kangaroo
Magnetic Train eBooks:-
Maglev Train Activity
Constructing an Inductrack Maglev
Magnetic Levitated Train Questions
Block Diagram
Paper Presentation on Maglev Train Project
Igert Maglev ( pdf )
Maglev Train ppt
Design and construction of a Hybrid Locomotive using Magnetic Levitation (ppt)
Since we developed steam engines we tried to improve the speed and efficiency of our trains. In search of speed, we found that the biggest hurdle one can have while achieving great speeds is friction. Friction not only puts a limitation on speed but also increases maintenance cost if run trains at too high as speed. Maglev is a way where we can float the object in the air reduce the friction to the bare minimum because of the force of the magnetic field. In this project, we will discuss how we can use this force to not only hung our train in the air but to move it forward with the same force.
As I was doing research about this project, I have found couple of science fair projects on youtube and on other platforms, exactly as shown below where students are showing that how we can lift the object or train using magnetic levitation but to move them forward some students are using their own force or others are using windmill or electrical source. These projects are for school kids, who can build these projects easily with the material available online and this will enhance their knowledge too.
The main advantage with maglev train is its levitation due to which it stays away from its track with the help of magnets and reduce friction significantly when it moves forward. In this post, we will discuss this train in detail.
While looking for more information online, I have found one interesting video which not only demonstrates maglev train running but cover each and every important point to build one for your self. The best thing I found about the shown video is how much effort has been done here to make the train surrounding beautiful.
What is magnetic levitation?
It is a method by which an object is suspended with no support other than magnetic fields. We have already seen in the maglev train project that how we can use it for our benefit. This technology is very important because it eliminates losses occurred by friction. Other than trains, it can be used for magnetic bearings and high-precision platforms. It has three important parts first is levitation or suspension, second is propulsion, and the third one is guidance.
How to build one?
Build your own simple magnetic train!
This is done with the help of permanent magnets arranged in a way that cancels the magnetic field of the other side. These arrangements are called Halbach arrays. The train consists of at least two sets of Halbach arrays. One is used to levitate train and the other is used for propulsion.
If a small magnet is brought near a superconductor, it will be repelled because induced supercurrents will produce mirror images of each pole. If a small permanent magnet is placed above a superconductor, it can be levitated by this repulsive force.

Though magnetic levitation is difficult to implement, it works on the simple concept of magnetic property that is opposite attracts and likes to repel. So, this train and its rails were designed in such a way that each and every time half magnets push it forward and half pull towards it.
For Propulsion, you can use Linear Sequence motors which instead of producing a torque (rotation), produces a linear force along its length.
This topic involves a lot of concepts and understanding. I am sharing many useful links below which will help you in understanding and building your own maglev train.
How to Build One?
Useful Links:
Experiments with magnets interacting with other magnets: This is a great demonstration of like poles repelling each other. We have a platform that floats above a pair of magnetic tracks and can be gently pushed to one end or the other.
Wikipedia Maglev Details
Introduction of Levitation
Magnetic Levitation Design Project
Low-cost Magnetic Levitation Projects: Using inexpensive experiments to teach analysis and design in undergraduate feedback courses
Levitation with superconductors
Modeling and Control of a Magnetic Levitation System(Click here)
Magnetic levitation kangaroo
Magnetic Train eBooks:-
Maglev Train Activity
Constructing an Inductrack Maglev
Magnetic Levitated Train Questions
Block Diagram
Paper Presentation on Maglev Train Project
Igert Maglev ( pdf )
Maglev Train ppt
Design and construction of a Hybrid Locomotive using Magnetic Levitation (ppt)
Hello ,
I'm Abhijeet a mechanical engineering final year student . I would like to know more about the Maglav Mini Project as shown in video using copper cylinders. Can you please provide me with the project details like apparatus and their specifications.
I would really be grateful to you , if you do it at the earliest.
My mail id is abhijeet.moghe@live.in
I'm Anuj a mechanical engineering final year student . I would like to know more about the Maglav Mini Project as shown in video using copper cylinders. Can you please provide me with the project details like apparatus and their specifications.
I would really be grateful to you , if you do it at the earliest.
My mail id is anuj.bbsbec@gmail.com
also looking for a project topic. would be grateful if i can get any suggestions.
my email ad: fredstephen22@yahoo.com
my name is muhammad soleh shahbaz
i want to make a project on meglew train ..so plz tell me how to proceed n what material to used in its construction..
i shall b very thankful to u....
my email id is: soleh_someone@yahoo.com
i want make a maglew train project plz tell me how to make this and send me any related data abt its construction..
also looking for a project topic. would be grateful if i can get any suggestions.
i shall b very grateful to u...
my email ID is niks.kharat@gmail.com
I am mechanical engineering final year student . I would like to know more about the Maglev Mini Project as shown in video using copper cylinders. Can you please provide me with the project details like apparatus and their specifications.
I would really be grateful to you , if you do it at the earliest.
my id is- verma.nishi19@gmail.com
Hello ,
I'm Prashant a mechanical engineering final year student . I would like to know more about the Maglav Mini Project as shown in video using copper cylinders. Can you please provide me with the project details like apparatus and their specifications.
I would really be grateful to you , if you do it at the earliest.
my id is prashantmittal20@gmail.com
I'm vismay a mechanical engineering final year student . I would like to know more about the Maglav Mini Project. Can you please provide me with the project details like apparatus and their specifications.
I would really be grateful to you , if you do it at the earliest.my id is vishmays@gmail.com
hi i am ashish i am an electrical engineering student and i want to know about the project maglev train .So please give me ideas about this project as soon as possible .
My email id :ashu.net.2009@gmail.com
I am final year Engg. student. I am very keen to build a model of Maglev train.
Can you please, guide me in providing the circuit diagram with its, equipments.
Email: - vnyshreyas@yahoo.co.in
hi there, i am currently undergoing my HNC in mechanical engineering at college and a big part of this unit is being able to design a project, i have really taken a shine to this maglev system and would like to use it as my project, if you could help me out with any ideas, suggestions, and even maybe a quick brief on what materials you used etc, different bearing, i would appreciate it. thanks again
my email is harry_bizzle_@hotmail.com
will wait to hear from you.
this is suresh can you send me more details about Maglav trains my mail id is suresh.2590@gmail.com
hello this is mohammed sharif i am final year mechanical engineering student i want to make a major project on meglev train so pleas send detail of construction procedure equipment list and and where the equipment are avilavel pleas send me harry
I'm Gurdit a mechanical engineering final year student . I would like to know more about the Maglav Mini Project as shown in video using copper cylinders. Can you please provide me with the project details like apparatus and their specifications.
I would really be grateful to you , if you do it at the earliest.
My mail id is gurditsingh.18@gmail.com
hey can you please mail me the specifications and details for the maglev project asap??my email id is
hey can you please send me the specifications, etc for the maglev project?? my mail id is
hello, i am mechanical engineering final year student. and had a simialiar idea for my final year project.
i really liked your project, the one with the copper cylinders and would like to know more about it.
could you please email me the details, specifications related to how you actually made it?
i will be really grateful for a quick response.
thanking you in advance.
my email id is areshas90@gmail.com
hi, i am a student of b.tec instrument in final year. i really like your project.could you plese project detail in my e mail.id. i will be really grateful for a quick respons;
my mail id is amittrao00@gmail.com
my cell no is +919355990855
@amit thanks for the comment...there is no need of phone number. I hope you received your mail
my name is HIMANSHU
i want make a maglew train project plz tell me how to make this and send me any related data abt its construction..
i shall b very thankful to u...
my email id is : cool007cracker@gmail.com
I'm Abner a mechanical engineering final year student . I would like to know more about the Maglav Mini Project as shown in video using copper cylinders. Can you please provide me with the project details like their specifications and materials.
I would really be grateful to you , if you do it at the earliest.
My mail id is abner_moras@hotmail.com
My name is Ben Lamb, a second year mechanical engineering student, I have been looking for something suitable to build for my second year project such as this, I would be extremely grateful if you could send me any plans/details/schematics of the project or any information which may help me to also build this too, thanks.
please send to ben@lambx.co.uk
My name is Shoyab Ali, a final year electrical engineering student from arya college of engg. & I.T.,kukas jaipur (raj.)i want to make a magnetic train projects such as this.i would be greatful if you could tell me about full detail/material list/how to make this projects/cost/or any relative information of magnetic train. so plz send me detail early...
plz send to ali.shoyab@gmail.com
can u please send me the full details about this project
my mail ID is ratnakarmech@gmail.com
Hi this is SAM...am a final year mechanical engineering student...i have interest to project on this maglev train...so please send me some design and construction of this projecr...my mail id is "samrajmartin@gmail.com"....
Hello ,
I'm vishnu n a electrical engineering 3rd year student . I would like to know more about the Maglav Mini Project as shown in video using copper cylinders. Can you please provide me with the project details like apparatus and their specifications.
I would really be grateful to you , if you do it at the earliest.
My mail id is vishnunumberth@gmail.com
Hi I am Savan doing my final year engineering. It would be kind and gratefull if you could send me all the details about the project about. sa that I can do this as a projetc for my academics. Thanks.
please mail it to savangwd9@gmail.com
Hello ,
I'm Abhijeet a mechanical engineering final year student . I would like to know more about the Maglav Mini Project as shown in video using copper cylinders. Can you please provide me with the project details like apparatus and their specifications.
I would really be grateful to you , if you do it at the earliest.
Hi Im Rohit. Belong to final year mechanical engineering. Its a very innovative concept of maglev trains. I would like to do this as my project so please send me the details about this miniproject as early as possible on rsphatale@gmail.com thank you..!:-)
sir ,
I'm shyam ,a mechanical engg student.i want to design a locomotive or a car with the same ideas of maglave........can i make it/
I'm sagar a mechanical engineering final year student . I would like to know more about the Maglav Mini Project as shown in video using copper cylinders. Can you please provide me with the project details like apparatus and their specifications.
I would really be grateful to you , if you do it at the earliest.
My mail id is sagar8785@gmail.com
I am Rajeev Verma a electrical engg. final year student. I would like to make mini maglev train project in my college. pls help me and give details about what apparatus are used?
my email ie is rajeev.en23@gmail.com
i would really thankfull to you for this kind act.
I am sathish..i am electrical engineering student.i would like to maglev train mini project in my college.please send me the detail's and which apparatus are used?.my mail id is sathisssh8@gmail.com
Hi there! I am on my final year Diploma in Science. Mind sending me the details & apparatus needed? I am fascinated by this Maglev Train! I would like to take it on the list for my final year project for Physics. Thank youuu
my email : farisfikri_rusli@yahoo.co.uk
hi am a mechanical engineering final year student and i am interested in this for my project pls send me all info needed to do this
i would really appreciate it
mail; kadalilmessi@yahoo.com
Hi Im chetan. Belong to final year mechanical engineering. Its a very innovative concept of maglev trains. I would like to do this as my project so please send me the details about this miniproject as early as possible on c.gunjal@yahoo.in
hey guys,i am a final year physics student.i would like to make something like this maglev of a thing,please kindly send me details about it, my e mail is donmanssydymkid@gmail.com...........thanks
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