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HoverCraft Project

 HoverCraft Project 
1. Propellers 2. Air 3. Fan 4. Flexible skirt

What is hovercraft?

Hovercraft is an air cushion vehicle capable of traveling on almost any surface such as land, water, mud, ice, and other surfaces easily. The project which we are discussing here runs using vacuum cleaner. It is easier to build as shown in the video given below and economical too.

 What's the use of this project?

Though it is easy to build a project, it is very useful and creates excitement in the mind of the audience about its working and concept. It would definitely help you to earn good marks.

Useful Links:

Vacuum cleaner powered, Large simple HoverCraft

How do I build my flying hovercraft (pdf)

Make your own Hovercraft

Build a riding Hovercraft

Helpful Videos

Do it yourself as shown in Video

Build a hovercraft

Helpful links :

Vacuum cleaner powered, Large simple HoverCraft

How do I build my flying hovercraft (pdf)
Make your own Hovercraft
Build a riding Hovercraft

Wants to know more:
Hovercraft History and Museum Website

Related Project :
Stirling Engine Project


Mrunmaya said...

Hello this is student of final year mechanical engineering i found the hovercraft project mind blowing but.... i needed some more information regarding the feasibility of the whole project!!!!!

Unknown said...

sir i am doing final year mechanical engineering i need ssome detail for hydrogen fuel for presenting paper in my college

kalyan said...

Hi! please sent the details to construct the hovercraft to email,it is so intresting ................


Respected Sir,
i am a final year mechanical engineering student ,i found the hovercraft project mind blowing but
i would like to know about the minimum expense for making a hovercraft (home made),only for demonstration purpose ,which can carry at least one person
please send it to my email

Anonymous said...

Hello! I am G.v.kiran kumar studying in Final Year Mechanical Engineering. I came across this Hovercraft project. its very awesome. Give me some Ideas on preparing the model. plz mail me at and
Thank You

Plester said...

hello sir this is ashutosh, mechanical engineering student. how could i practically imply the idea of making this hovercraft. plz sir if u can help mail me at thank u sir

Unknown said...

this is animesh student of final year mechanical engineering i found the hovercraft project mind blowing but.... i needed some more information regarding the feasibility of the whole project!!!!!


Unknown said...

this is gaurav,student of final year mechanical engineering. To build a hovercraft is a fantastic idea but i need detailed information about this project.
kindly, mail me at
Thank you.

Mohit said...

hello sir, can u plz send me ur notes at

i wil be highly oblidged.....

i want to show hovercrft as my final year project...plz help me....!!

Sudhir Lanka said...

i am a final year mechanical engineering student ,i found the hovercraft project mind blowing but
i would like to know about the minimum expense for making a hovercraft (home made),only for demonstration purpose ,which can carry at least one person
please send it to my email

Unknown said...

Hello,this is a student of 2nd year mechanical engineering.i am very interested to create a homemade hovercraft, i needed some more information about to make a hovercraft..... to......

Unknown said...

Good morning....
Iam a final year student of mechanical engineering...can u guide me to choose a topic for my project please....i found this hovercraft topic is good....but what wil be the total expenses and how to prepare this?can u mail me all the details of expenses and procedure and all to my id....its
please do this favour ....

Unknown said...

.i find this hovercraft project pretty interesting.i would like to know in details about the construction of a hovercraft as well as the feasibility and cost involved with this project...kindly mail me at

amarjeet said...

Hello sir...Dis hovercraft is really an awesome proj..plz help do i'm a final year mecahnical engg.....
plz send some ideas how 2 do it in minimal cost...
plz mail

Nikhil said...

guys do u have any ideas to do project on designing(Auto CAD,CATIA, CNC.....) please pass it on to me
mine ID id

nanda said...

Hello sir
I am a final year mechanical student. I am very much interested about the hovercraft project. Can I know the details about the cost and feasibility of making one which could withstand a normal man on it.
Please mail the details to

Unknown said...

Hello! I am Harkirat studying in Final Year Mechanical Engineering. I came across this Hovercraft project. its very interesting. Give me some Ideas on preparing the model. plz mail me at and
Thank You

Unknown said...

Hello sir I am final year engineering project is hovercraft so,if you can give some information about material specification of hovercraft it will be so kind of u.pls mail me -

Unknown said...

sir plz sent some information about material specification of hovercraft.
Mail me

Unknown said...

sir i find ur hovercraft idea interesting.
cud u tell me what kind of engine wud be suitable for a 2 seater hovercraft? diesel powered or electric?

Unknown said...

heloo sir,this is a final year mechanical engineering student.i find this hovercraft project very interesting.i would like 2 know about the construction details,specification of blower,cost involved n feasibility of this project...kindly mail me plzzz at

Unknown said...

Iam a final year student of mechanical engineering...can u guide me to choose a topic for my project please....i found this hovercraft topic awesome....but what wil be the total expenses and how to prepare this?can u mail me all the details of expenses and procedure and all to my

Anonymous said...

Respected Sir,
i am a final year mechanical engineering student ,i found the hovercraft project mind blowing but
i would like to know about the minimum expense for making a hovercraft (home made),only for demonstration purpose ,which can carry at least one person
please send it to my email

Unknown said...

sir iam final yar mechanical & i am also doing project on hovercraft i need ur help in skirt maqterial & construction of hovercra

Hello said...

Respected Sir,
i am a final year mechanical engineering student, i find your hovercraft idea interesting.Can I know the details about the cost and feasibility of making one.Please mail me at

Unknown said...

hi.. am doing final year mechanical engineering searching for some project ideas for my final yr project. gimme some ideas abt some projects to

Unknown said...

Hello sir,i saw ur project. Its nice. I'm doing final year diploma in mechanical. I want to know the estimation cost of this project. Please send to my mail

Raghavendra said...

Hi my name is Raghavendra im an final year INDUSTRIAL & PRODUCTION Engg student thinking about a creative & innovative project related to production so please kindly help me out in fullfilling my wishes......My Email ID is YOU!!!

ashish said...

hi sir.. i am ashish stundent of 3rd year mechanical engg..i like this idea of making hovercraft as a final year project so sir please help in implementation of this idea..My email id is would be apprecaible....thank u..

Vikas Bhardwaj said...

Hello this is student of final year mechanical engineering i found the hovercraft project mind blowing but.... i needed some more information regarding the feasibility of the whole project ...can u plzzz help me out....

atul said...

sir i am the student of final year mechanical engg. and i chose hovercraft as a project. so sir please give me the idea and some information related to hovercraft. plz send information on my email

Unknown said...

Respected Sir,
my self md merajul haque.i am a final year mechanical engineering student ,i found the hovercraft project mind blowing but
i would like to know about the minimum expense for making a hovercraft (home made),only for demonstration purpose ,which can carry at least one person
please send it to my email

felix said...

Hai sir,
I am Felix Theophilose J, a mechanical engineering 3rd year student. I am very much intrested in the project idea of Hovercraft. I would like to know more about it. If you can please help me. My mail id is

Unknown said...


venkatesh said...

sir iam venkatesh studing final year mechanical engg pls give me some ideas my id;

venkatesh said...


i am venkatakrishnan studying 3rd yr mechanical Engg .i want some project topics related to thermal.please give me idea about the project. my email id:

josh said...

Respected Sir,
I'm student of mechanical engg,can u mail me all the details of expenses and procedure and all to my

Anonymous said...

hello sir
i want some help about my mini project..
for 4th sem. mechanical
please give me some suggestion about mini project topics...

Anonymous said...

hi sir i m in mechanical final year ,i saw ur project idea on hovercraft,its interesting i want to know about it more ,that how we can made it in detail.about it every information about the hovercraft.plz send it to me om my id
its urgent so plz send the detail as soon as possible.

malyaj said...

hello,i am a 1st year mechanical engineering student.i find this hovercraft project pretty interesting.i would like to know in details about the construction of a hovercraft as well as the feasibility and cost involved with this project...kindly mail me at

Unknown said...

i am a final year mechanical engineering student ,i found the hovercraft project mind blowing but
i would like to know about the minimum expense for making a hovercraft (home made),only for demonstration purpose ,which can carry at least one person
please send it to my email

CG said...

The cost of hovercraft is not easy to estimate. It cost around 150 to 160 dollars. I hope it helps!

Unknown said...

sir i am a second year mechanical student i wnt .i find this hovercraft project very interesting.i would like 2 know about the construction details,cost involved n feasibility of this project...kindly mail me at

Anonymous said...

hello sir
this is barry matharoo
i am pursuing mechanical engineering
i am currently in 4th semester

i am very much interested in the hovercraft idea

your plan is very simple to understand

i have only one query
can u please tell us what should be the power of vaccum cleaner motor, the discahrge of the hose etc

as we don't have access to one atm

we are thinking of purchasing one and just want to make sure it gets the job done.

u can email me at

Unknown said...

i am a 3rd yr mechanical engg student. i like your howercraft idea. please send more details about the project to my email id

CG said...

@vineeth @barry , I hope you both received your mails.

shivu said...

hi sir ths is shivu...... i am doing final year mechanical engg..... i want to make project..... plz give some suggestion about this.... my e-mail adress "" thank u....

bobby said...

hello sir,
the project is good and i like to have the matierial can you share your idea with me

Anonymous said...

hello sir , i'm in my 6th sem mechanical engineering branch. i want to make project on west energy utilization in generator,so please suggest some project topics to me......... my email id is

dinesh singh said...

hello sir i m a student of mech. final year..sir i want to make a project on the hovercraft..i think it is very interesting to work on plz sir send me its all email address

vari said...

hello sir, i'm varinder , final yr. mechanical engg. student....i need some help and suggestions for making my major project. The topics i'm interested in are thermal,robotics and automobile.Pls suggest something.It would help me a lot.
Thanks. please reply on my email

prajapragathi said...

Sir, i am doing final year in mechanical engg i wanted to do the project work on hovercraft so i want the details about this project and expenses of dis project please reply me on my email id- ill be waiting waitng for ur reply sir.

Anonymous said...

Hello sir,
I am Anthony Akpasoh and am a final year mechanical engineering student and I want help on how to go go about my project which is a Garri frying machine or any other suggestions you may have preferably power. My email address is I would really appreciate your response on this. Thank You.

Shekhar said...

hello sir,
i m student of mechanical engg final year. i want to make a hovercraft as project. please send me the principle and all constructional details. my email id is:-

giri said...

Sir,this is giridhar doing production engineering third year.i would like you to suggest projects that can be done within Rs.20,000.
My email id is :
Thank You Sir.

chander mohan said...

heloo sir,this is a final year mechanical engineering student.i find this hovercraft project very interesting.i would like 2 know about the construction details,specification of blower,cost involved n feasibility of this project...kindly mail me plzzz at

RAKHESH said...

Sir, i am final year mech student. Me interested to do project on using catia v5 software of my final year project. please help me sir regarding dis,,,,,,,,,,,,,,my email

RAKHESH said...

sir, using catia V5 we need projects are to be like stress analysis and design part both things are needed in our projects.............mine maail

Fares Maaitah said...

dear Sir,,,
i am a final year mechanical engineering student,i chose hovercraft design as my senior project, i need your help providing me with data

silas bethel said...

dear Sir,
i am a final year mechanical engineering student,i chose hovercraft design as my senior project, i need your help providing me with data

gaurav said...

seeking a project related to automobile due my keen interest.It will be helpful if u can provide some innovative idea.

Arjun said...

I'm a mechanical engg. student. Could u mail me the hovercraft design details etc
Email id:

Unknown said...

sir i am doing final year mechanical engineering i need ssome detail for projects related to RAC (refrigeration & air conditioning). but it should be economical not too costly. please guide.

hai said...

i am a final year mechanical engineering student ,i found the hovercraft project mind blowing but i would like to know about the minimum expense for making a hovercraft (home made),only for demonstration purpose ,which can carry at least one person please send it to my email

Harshan said...

Hello! I am Harshan studying in Final Year Mechanical Engineering. I came across this Hovercraft project. its very interesting. Give me some Ideas on preparing the model. plz mail me at and
Thank You

Mithila said...

Hello! I am Mithila C. Rajeshirke studying in Final Year Mechanical Engineering. I
came across this Hovercraft project. its very interesting. Give me some
Ideas on preparing the model. plz mail me at
& provide some more info. & design, specifications of every components.
Thank You

Anonymous said...

I want to make a project. please provide me some more details on this project at "".

Anonymous said...

sir i am a final year student of ME i got this project ......but i need some more help of yours plssss send me mail about the construction detail of hover project.....
my mail id is