What is Hydro Electricity?
Pump Storage Hydro Electricity
How Hydropower plant works?
Water Turbine Power Generation System
Related Pdf :
Introduction of Micro Hydro (4 MB approx)
Small Hydro Electric Plant
Renewable Energy: Hydro Power
Guide on How to develop small Hydro Power Plant ( 7 MB approx )
A Study of Hydroelectric Power: From a Global Perspective to a Local Application
Hydro-power energy is transferred from potential energy into kinetic energy and from kinetic energy to electricity using a turbine.
Water Turbine Power Generation System:
Micro Hydroelectric Power
Micro Hydro Pros and Cons
Micro Hydro Systems
How to build it?
These links provide all the materials and information required to build your own water turbine :
Helpful link for Seminars :
Sustainable energy for future
Related Video :
How Hydroelectricity is made :
This is a video of the final year engineering project carried out in Mangalore. The idea behind the project is to develop a suitable digital control system to control the frequency, monitor all parameters and protect from abnormalities and to send SMS on failure and as and when required. please note that green pipe shown in the video not sufficient as someone comment on garden hose.the system is designed to operate at a head of 60 m and a discharge of 20 liters/sec with the 6-inch pipe as a penstock.
Hydrokinetic Project:
Another form of a Hydropower project is Hydrokinetic where we use the kinetic energy of moving water at the place of the potential energy of stored water.
Pump Storage Hydro Electricity
How Hydropower plant works?
Water Turbine Power Generation System
Related Pdf :
Introduction of Micro Hydro (4 MB approx)
Small Hydro Electric Plant
Renewable Energy: Hydro Power
Guide on How to develop small Hydro Power Plant ( 7 MB approx )
A Study of Hydroelectric Power: From a Global Perspective to a Local Application
Hydro-power energy is transferred from potential energy into kinetic energy and from kinetic energy to electricity using a turbine.
Water Turbine Power Generation System:

Micro Hydroelectric Power
Micro Hydro Pros and Cons
Micro Hydro Systems
How to build it?
These links provide all the materials and information required to build your own water turbine :
Helpful link for Seminars :
Sustainable energy for future
Related Video :
How Hydroelectricity is made :
This is a video of the final year engineering project carried out in Mangalore. The idea behind the project is to develop a suitable digital control system to control the frequency, monitor all parameters and protect from abnormalities and to send SMS on failure and as and when required. please note that green pipe shown in the video not sufficient as someone comment on garden hose.the system is designed to operate at a head of 60 m and a discharge of 20 liters/sec with the 6-inch pipe as a penstock.
Hydrokinetic Project:
Another form of a Hydropower project is Hydrokinetic where we use the kinetic energy of moving water at the place of the potential energy of stored water.
Hydrokinetic(Hydro means water and kinetic means motion) is the science of water in motion. Man learned using nature's force for its own use since ancient times. In Greece, people used river water flow for grinding wheat. Though many people are already working in this field but still, a lot more can be done because many sources of this energy are still not get used. There are many ways different ways to harness this kinetic energy of water such as Ocean currents, Tides, Flowing Rivers and even irrigation canals.
Anyone who has spent some time near the shore or swims against the river flow knows about the immense power of waves. In this post, we will try to how we can use this energy for our benefit and what are the different ways people are already harvesting it.
We can divide hydrokinetic in many sub-sections. For example, Tidal Energy is a form of hydropower that converts the energy of tides into useful forms of power - mainly electricity. The most common use of hydrokinetic is a dam where we store large amounts of water to use it later for moving our turbine to generate electricity. Though dams contribute lots to our economies they have some environmental issues too. In this post, we will try to find out ways to generate electricity with minimum environmental impact. We will find out ways to generate electricity using river flow without building a dam.
Is it possible to produce power from moving water without the use of a dam?
Yes, it is possible and on 20th August 2009, the first project of this kind has started working commercially on the Mississippi River. They are using a turbine from Hydro Green Energy, captures the flow from the output channel of an existing hydropower dam. These turbines use Instream Energy Generation Technology which is like planting windmills in the water and is environmentally friendly. Read more.
Technology Used:
Devices that are used in this project are known as wave energy converters (WECs) or rotating devices. One of the most common devices is The Pelamis Wave Energy Converter. The machine is made up of connected sections that flex and bend as waves pass; it is this motion that is used to generate electricity.
Marine Hydrokinetic Renewable Energy: Increasing Velocity for Underwater Power Extraction in the Hydraulic Flume.
Wave energy converter and a submerged horizontal plate (PDF, 6.2 MB Approx)
Tidal Wave Mooring System
Related Video:
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Mechanical Topics
Anyone who has spent some time near the shore or swims against the river flow knows about the immense power of waves. In this post, we will try to how we can use this energy for our benefit and what are the different ways people are already harvesting it.
We can divide hydrokinetic in many sub-sections. For example, Tidal Energy is a form of hydropower that converts the energy of tides into useful forms of power - mainly electricity. The most common use of hydrokinetic is a dam where we store large amounts of water to use it later for moving our turbine to generate electricity. Though dams contribute lots to our economies they have some environmental issues too. In this post, we will try to find out ways to generate electricity with minimum environmental impact. We will find out ways to generate electricity using river flow without building a dam.
Is it possible to produce power from moving water without the use of a dam?
Yes, it is possible and on 20th August 2009, the first project of this kind has started working commercially on the Mississippi River. They are using a turbine from Hydro Green Energy, captures the flow from the output channel of an existing hydropower dam. These turbines use Instream Energy Generation Technology which is like planting windmills in the water and is environmentally friendly. Read more.
Technology Used:
Devices that are used in this project are known as wave energy converters (WECs) or rotating devices. One of the most common devices is The Pelamis Wave Energy Converter. The machine is made up of connected sections that flex and bend as waves pass; it is this motion that is used to generate electricity.
Marine Hydrokinetic Renewable Energy: Increasing Velocity for Underwater Power Extraction in the Hydraulic Flume.
Wave energy converter and a submerged horizontal plate (PDF, 6.2 MB Approx)
Tidal Wave Mooring System
Related Video:
Related :
Mechanical Topics
1 comment :
Planet of Earth Energy Crisis.
Dear Sir,
The Subject matter is all over the World facing Energy problem, So I am trying to Explain an idea for Old & New Dams / Reservoirs Hydro electric projects Civil Design Geometry Can be modifying in Architectural Transition to increase our energy potential. Because we are Losing heavy quantum of already storage water in our Big Dams and its relevant projects to generate Hydro Electric old technology, Now it must be need to convert into new theory of Scientific Technology as per utilizing in the way of experiment with foreign expertise at any Hydro electric base Model of concern Department or forum to finalize the following unique and entire world Globalize developing idea for its further implementations in the current ongoing and next coming future Hydel projects as soon as possible.
with best regards.
RE: Planet of Earth Energy Crisis.
Dear Sir,
Thank you very much for your interest in proposed idea consideration, Due to other sectors & individuals responses take to my self need to be consult a proper forum regarding the situation now I am able to communicate with your good self. Also sorry for some days delaying answer from my side.
Please consider some point of views as following:
1. Idea come into my mind Last year. Some discussions with local personals in respective field but not proper and positive response yet.
2. Research papers / abstracts need to be develop after consultations subject mater from foreign expertise as like your consideration of interest.
3. Theories & ideas can be implement upon debating at world wide conversations with its facts and figures must be considered.
4. It doesn’t mean that my self have no proper proposal for describing because this one is a serous issue for entire world to escaping the current energy crises.
5. Mechanism / Methodology of idea to implement with Design criteria must be Liaise in near future as well as your kind and positive action.
6. My self keep this idea to preventing not go towards wrong ways, Sir your good self know better to me very well. Because after all it is the property of whole world and its creatures, Which will be fully utilize upon when enhance the capability of electrical energy generate according to the new term of way.
Sir about my CV.
My Name is Shabbir.
Qualification: School certificate.
After this go toward Technical Course for Surveyor in 1982.
Then start as Land Surveyor Jobs in different Companies in Pakistan.
During in 30 years jobs mostly work on Topographic & as built Surveys.Observations & Knowledge come through different Projects and Sites in the due course of my whole life.
Hoping for a positive response will be coming soon as well as your good self reply.
with best regards.
Shabbir (Land Surveyor)
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